For the Edifying of the Body of Christ
Praying in Our Homes
families praying together daily at 6 a.m. or 10 p.m. for the ministry of our church and our pastor
The Prayer Meeting
our church family praying together in the Curtis Hutson Chapel each Monday from 6 to 7 p.m.
Revival Prayer Meetings
meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday in various locations across the church campus to ask for God’s blessing on our church and pastor
Prayer Line
providing daily updates of the prayer requests submitted by our church family.
The 24-Hour Prayer Vigil
gathering together twice each year at a chosen hour to pray for the requests of our church family
Touch of Heaven on Every Home
Visiting every church member’s home and accepting prayer request for our 24- hour Prayer Vigil
Personal Workers
leading the lost to trust Christ as Saviour and pointing believers to Christ as the answer to life’s questions
faithfully helping visitors and members with any needs they may have
welcoming people, especially visitors, making them feel at home in our services
Seating Shepherds
assisting the pastor by encouraging fellowship and friendship, welcoming visitors in their seating section
Parking Attendants
keeping people safe and traffic moving, making it easier and more enjoyable for visitors and members to enter the buildings
Buildings and Grounds Ministry
helping to keep our facilities attractive and inviting
an online resource of helpful information engaging people in the life and ministry of Temple Baptist Church
Audio/Visual Ministry
extending the ministry of Temple Baptist Church throughout the world by means of audio mixing boards, video recording and processing, and camera operation
The Touch of Heaven on Every Home
visiting our members’ homes for encouragement and prayer, enlisting church families
Widows Ministry
ministering to, encouraging, and providing opportunities to serve Christ to the widows of our church
Hospital Visitation
comforting and strengthening those in the hospital through visits and prayer
Home From the Hospital Follow-Up
Encouragements with Cards to Sick & Bereaved
Bereavement Ministry
comforting grieving families through funeral assistance, family meals, and Christian friendship
Sunshine Ministry
visiting every week, encouraging those no longer able to attend the church meetings because of sickness or age
Military Ministry
ministering to our troops and their families through prayer, encouragement, email, and letters
Benevolence Ministry
providing those going through hard times with gifts of food and clothing
Ministry to Cancer Patients
The Building Fund
retiring remaining debt and providing funds for future expansion
Crown Trust and The Crown Student Scholarship Fund
making a monthly gift to aid a dedicated student training to serve Christ
Parents to Newborn’s
helping parents of newborns through visitation, prayer, and hospitality
The Nursery
helping parents care for children (4 years old and under) during our church services, church-wide visitation, and special meetings
Senior Saints Luncheon
monthly gathering for fellowship, a delicious meal, and helpful instruction on issues of vital interest to seniors
Singles’ Ensemble
providing special music in the meetings
Teen Choir
students grades 7 through 12 singing regularly in the church meetings
Preschool Choir
children ages 3 through 5 learning and singing Scripture songs and choruses
Primary Choir
children grades 1 through 3 learning and singing gospel songs and choruses
Junior Choir
children grades 4 through 6 learning and singing gospel songs, hymns, and choruses
Spanish-Speaking Children’s Choir
children learning and singing Scripture and gospel songs and choruses
Knoxville Children’s Choir
children reached through the bus ministry singing in the worship services
Greater Knoxville Youth Choir
students grades 7 through 12 reached through the bus ministry singing in the worship services
providing instrumental music for the meetings, including preludes and offertories
Junior Orchestra
training and providing instrumental music for the meetings, including preludes and offertories
Junior Brass Ensemble
Fife and Drum Corps