A Home for Your Family

Jess and Grace Enochs
Members since June 1993
We had moved to Knoxville from St. Louis and were looking for a fundamental Baptist church that was sound in doctrine and music and believed in winning men and women to Christ. Since we are both natives of India, we were also looking for church with a vision for world evangelism. That is what we found when we came to Temple.
We are grateful for the opportunities to serve Christ in a number of ways throughout the church. Our church home has ministries to meet the spiritual needs of every member of your family.

Escoe and Peggy Gordon
Members since August 1984
We are a part of this church family because it has a heart for reaching the lost, where the Bible is faithfully preached, and where our family could grow. There so many wonderful Christian people here who have become our dear friends through the years.
Our children have been marvelously blessed in so many ways. They both graduated from Temple Baptist Academy and met their mates here. Both are actively serving the Lord here at Temple with their families.
Are you looking for a church home with strong Bible preaching and teaching and Christ-honoring music? This is a church where you will be challenged to find your place in God’s will and to serve Him whole-heartedly.